Welcome to Delta Sig! We're glad you're here. For more than a century, we've been perfecting the fraternal experience for college men. Discover who we are, what we believe, and how we can help you grow into your best and most authentic self.
Welcome to Delta Sig! We're glad you're here. For more than a century, we've been perfecting the fraternal experience for college men. Discover who we are, what we believe, and how we can help you grow into your best and most authentic self.
A quick look at the scope of our brotherhood.
Since our founding at the City College of New York, Delta Sig has flourished. With hundreds of undergraduate chapters and alumni associations throughout the country, our members gain access to a network that's hard to summarize—but we decided to give it the old college try. Here's a look at our fraternity by-the-numbers.
Total members living and working around the world.
Undergraduate members currently enrolled on campus.
Active undergraduate chapters throughout the United States.
Total scholarship dollars awarded to members last academic year.
Check out what our members, volunteers,
and campus partners have to say.
Get the full scoop on all-things Delta Sig,
from chapter charterings to member accomplishments.